The Matrix Before the Matrix

Nothing is real, everything is bullshit – already. Technology is catching up, of course, but truth is already, what’d that sports guy accidentally say that time, “rarer than a redneck in a minivan.”

We could really use a revolution and group rule, a system that prefers us alive, even happy – but no, no revolution, what are you with the MAGAs? There’s already a phony one going on so odious that no-one can talk about the real thing anymore, fascist violence is what “revolution,” means in America now, not to each according to their needs, as it ought to mean. They’ve co-opted and disabled the whole idea.

Same as elections, they ought to offer us a choice, but no Left is available to choose, the phony “Left” of the Democrats is as close as we get, again, co-opted and destroyed. It’s this toxic “care,” mentioned in the big orange book, but that’s a different article. We are already living in the Matrix, nothing is real, and real things aren’t allowed. Damn.

These are old to me, I had a new one I sat down for, and it’s gone. Oh, right.

I’m not sure it’s one, but I’m gonna go edgy and say it: aliens.

I’m curious about that and about some other paranormal stuff – but I am not excited that we are hearing anything about it because of who we are hearing about it from, basically the same bunch behind the phony fascist revolution mentioned above. Marco Rubio? The religious money behind the TV shows? I think we are in the Matrix here, my friends, these are not the aliens we were looking for.

The revolution will not be televised and neither will the aliens. I mean sure, I got a bad attitude. You think that’s bad? Worst case scenario, president for Eternity, T, declares himself Liaison to the Aliens, with a new Mandate from All the Heavens over us all.


Aug. 12th., 2023

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